Thanks for the info, I'd assumed that the SSID broadcast was done on the same band as the actual network communications. But I don’t think ads can target ethically and with respect for privacy. Hence my point about learning to pay. We do have some very large customers, although we are not always a large account for them. They do this for every google app on the phone: phone app, messages app, contacts app, chrome etc. U. Bahn Kurfürstenstr. PLEASE NOTE: In order to demonstrate that a malicious site can easily detect logged in accounts without asking your permission, this tool will contact 30 popular websites where you may be logged in. Of course it's manipulation. This new 19 character limit after reserving 13 of them doesn't leave a lot of room to play with for the rest of the name. The screenshot in the link posted explicitly states apple does not track (maybe how they justify not using the word) you for their advertising network, so what are they doing instead? We haven't figured out how to make websites not be able to fingerprint you. Like I said, I may be overly cynical, but I do have a particular reason to believe the largest surveillance capitalism and advertising company in the world might be ignoring my privacy preferences... Wifi SSID triangulation is incredibly common & is one of the primary ways phones are able to so reliably & quickly get a fine location, especially indoors. By your logic, your house is a "landmark," so it'd be totally okay to surveil it. No offense I don't think you know more than they do about their own businesses (and like also questioning mine...). Advertising is a race to the bottom, so kudos to Apple for raising the bar for everybody. > They just don't do it to force you to let them track your location. I had to look this up to check if it was sarcasm or not. Are people really comfortable with it? If Google ends up personal data as defined by law here, which does include present location coupled with name, then that ends up being illegal without a detailed data protection declaration and withdrawable explicit consent granted before ANY data can be collected at all. It's still so incredible to me that someone thought "oh, yeah, let's make people change their SSID explicitly to opt-out of being used by our services, such that it forces them to re-add all of their Wi-Fi devices", and that passed any sort of muster at Google. Only professional influencer would need to pay in this kind of model that doesn't seem all that bad to me. Ad buyers are paying ad markets to do absolutely whatever it takes to engage a user in the ad buyer's desired activity. If you don't want them to have data for something which is only detectible on your own land, just turn off Google's location services. All this will further the supremacy of walled-gardens and big tech, at the expense of smaller independent players. It's surely not "a great thing" for mental health to have things you truly desire shown to you at a frequency faster than you can afford them, especially in a world where credit loophole agencies like Klarna prey on the vulnerable. The only two that don’t have a real alternative are the metcalfed Twitter and FB (and the live traffic feature in maps). Why didn’t they just turn off the feature though? For an app?!?!" Especially for direct response ads. Found insideBe a Hacker with Ethics Explains how to take advantage of Google's user interface, discussing how to filter results, use Google's special services, integrate Google applications into a Web site or Weblog, write information retrieval programs, and play games. Not less of them, far, FAR more. Mozilla will also respect the Google opt-out suffix for their own WiFi data collection; Apple collects this data too but offers no published way to opt out. This is Google deciding it’s probably not illegal to spy on people in their own homes. Opt-out isn't enough, it needs to be opt-in. Digital products like apps only have fixed costs and marginal costs for manufacturing and distribution is zero or near zero. In the end, asking people to please not snoop on you never has and never will be a security measure that works. We've been slowly refactoring our products to offer more contextual possibilities (building more aggregations by domains, keywords, etc. team. It's like folks here haven't heard of wardriving!? I'm not sure this one matters to me much. I spend $30 or so, and I get a few extra bodies out, because my ads are targeted. There’s no ad supported option ttbomk. In iOS, you can set a WiFi network to Low Data Mode, macOS doesn’t seem to have an option like that. You probably know your Android phone or iPhone can pinpoint your location for GPS, local search, or the weather. If advertising does not increase consumer spending, and if everyone is reducing spending and effectiveness by the same amount on iOS, then this should be good for advertisers -- they'll spend less money on ads, and consumers will still spend the same amount of money themselves. Homo economicus. Maybe you're right. Sounds like a principal-agent problem. I guess I can understand that if I have to see ads at all, may as well make them personalized, but I'd still rather not see ads, to the point of blocking them when possible. Print, radio, telegraph, TV, cable, fax, ATMs. The problem is that in reality, almost all of these sites are as (if not more) “manipulatable” as the ads you’d like to replace. Right, BSSID (i.e. Any reasonable person understands that wifi network names are publicly viewable, because it is extremely common to view a list of nearby SSIDs; one need not be a technical expert of any kind to understand that. But there are 2 easy access locations, named "Home", "Work". To me the most infuriating practice is that if you don't enable your location when you open google maps they will passive aggressively position your view at the most inconvenient place possibly, some times in the middle of the atlantic, as if they can't tell which city you are in. To the point the TV became unwatchable. Former director of a coffee shop here. Wifi is convenient because it is unlicensed and loosely regulated. I’d much rather have unpersonalized ads, because then I won’t be tempted to buy yet more stuff I don’t need. Others already linked it, but allows you to - sorry for linking the wrong map! > No — if the targeting is less effective, the advertisers are not getting the same incremental value from the ads. Someone should start looking for an "_internationalization" flag now. > why do you feel that voluntarily purchasing something based on an ad is “manipulation”? "Privacy" advocates constantly demand that all of us bear the costs of worse technology just so they can have a little fake relief from their imaginary harms. Phishing This is a well-known technique to collect personal information or web data of a person through a disguise. But that's not INHERENT to ads right? Opt-in, or "kinda opt-in"? You can transfer lots of information elements in a beacon, you don't need to shit on the SSID. (like shouting louder explains something), Me: "Right, which is what we make. (I am sure the majority of ad budget 50 years ago was too, even if it was just 70%). It's just their most popular app and so the premier spot for a nag screen. Ironically, Apple is spending significant sums on advertising that touts how they are crippling advertising to protect your privacy. In that case, how do I opt in with Microsoft service? Of course there are scams, and so on. >Good or bad or neutral, FB's targeting specifically works amazingly well and better than anything else for many buyers. [0] EDIT: Added "name" after "WiFi" to try and clarify they're not using your actual WiFi network/bandwidth, just its name to link it with its location for GPS-free location tracking. If people want to partake, fine. Regarding hotspot, I'm not sure what you mean, none of this discussion is about mobile hotspot. Going back even more in time, we had word of mouth and domain experts to ask for advice. See. You probably don’t think too much about your IP address, but maybe it’s time you did. This includes public information such as what I’m wearing, where I am at what times, when and where my wifi is on. Everyone is selling snake oil because every advertiser is demanding snake oil. Shop owners pay a lot for access to the large amount of foot traffic the mall provides. Also, it's not big when someone is aware of this tracking possibility. twitter never worked for us either. I’m not going to just say the world should be a different place. Any device that has GPS and wifi can contribute data positioning that wifi BSSID. That was an error due to misconfiguration, failing to discard the data beyond that which identified the network for location mapping. I don't have the numbers but if it's anything like the rest of the economy, top 10% is probably spending something like 60% of total spent. No one is arguing that data brokers don't make millions selling ads. This means the average user might be blind sighted by any number of cyberattacks. You may also have noticed that when you connect to a new network you start with a list of nearby SSIDs that you can choose from -- do you think looking at that list is a violation of privacy? Last Updated: August 6, 2021 The passwords should be long and complex, if possible, including numbers, upper- and lower-case letters, and other characters. I totally agree with you. Come hell or high water, those ad markets will convert you and they will consume as much data and processing power as necessary to find a way to do that. It is well established that the ARPU from richer demographics (income levels, countries etc) is much higher than that from poorer ones. This book explores Open Source Intelligence Gathering (OSINT) inside out from multiple perspectives, including those of hackers and seasoned intelligence experts. In this book, Joseph Reagle examines how life hacking is self-help for the digital age's creative class. FB also has a large set of conversion tracking JS and offline like loading your retail conversions to the platform to match. The argument verified by the study is that demographic and location segmentation doesn't work when targeting ads. Did you know you can get answers researched by wikiHow Staff? I know its not technically a product but it always feels like these sorts of schemes should be illegal tying. I might get suckered into picking up some new widget that I’ll play with once and then forget about. It’s beyond the SSID, using your logic, it would also be fine if Google observed all of the client frames to track the locations of users that don’t use Google services. In other words, you are allowed to buy a wifi router, plug it in, set up whatever SSID you want (or no SSID at all for a BSSID-only network) and use it with as many client devices as you want, without having to ask anyone's permission or register your new AP with anyone. Most wifi is operated in the unlicensed band, which is meant to be permissionless. Apple is also collecting & phoning home all SSIDs with a GPS location that they come across, for example. I also wouldn’t mind being shown a very well targeted theater ad if I had volunteered that info. One of the most salient data points is that WhatsApp served a half billion users with 50 employees when they were acquired by Facebook. Or, what I already wrote, they store it but with "hotspot," based on some heuristic, and therefore unreliable for location mapping. I’d be happy to give any website a pretty detailed profile of interests and “cohort” if I knew that’s where it stopped. >I'm not sure how "associating a publicly broadcast BSSID with coordinates" is tracking a person. Adtech providers only have access to products you buy/see, for a limited time and without any personal data, meanwhile Google and Facebook know everything about you, your friends, your center of interests the places you go to, along with your name but somehow everyone seems hell-bent on abolishing 3rd-party cookies. You can simply control by making only one single change segregated to a control and treatment geo/group before and after, measure delta. That's what 'old' media has had for like a century. Fundamentally, asking people not to do something has never been a security measure that's worked. Maybe having N vertically integrated communities with different norms is better than what facebook, twitter, etc built via their horizontally-integrated services. Why would we assume that we'll see less and not more of this sort of thing? Given such protections, practically speaking, there isn't any problem with SSID being bound to location information. Note: I used a capital "IF" up there because I do have issues with database copyright. If Facebook ads are so good, why is it that I basically only get shitty, general ads? If you get a warning stating that the version of a particular program or OS you have is not currently supported, get a newer version as quickly as possible. and it is done at national or even global scale. If you enable that, you can save locations, so that, for example, you can "favorite" your home and your office for easy access. If you're SSID is a bit unique, this is probably already sufficient. They specifically talk a lot about building up their own 1P data (like FB) to up value on their inventory (or evidently own ad network if they are buying/building one). Could the Signal foundation develop a competitor to Twitter or Facebook, or could the social features and groups in apps like Signal or Telegram (also a relatively small team) continue to chip away at the jobs that people hire Facebook for? Trying tracking down all the people in your area who are using wifi -- I have literally hundreds of wifi stations around me, operated by dozens of different people, and I have no idea who they are or how to contact them. It's a long process and hard work of … Firefox has two tracking prevention modes: Balanced, and Strict. > Surveillance is the monitoring of behavior, activities, or information for the purpose of information gathering, influencing, managing or directing. Broadcasting your SSID from a fixed station means forfeiting privacy rights over the SSID. O&O ShutUp10 means you have full control over which comfort functions under Windows 10 you wish to use, and you decide when the passing on of your data goes too far. i was able to hire an hacker with to track and put a trace on all my family members so as to monitor there whereabouts. Basically, much closer to the ads back in the 90s. There is no expectation of privacy in data that you broadcast publicly, using public airwaves, which are mandated as public by the laws of literally whatever country you live in. Better not use the internet until we do. My US ISP had apparently bought a block of IPv4s from a Canadian ISP. SSIDs can only be 32 characters total. Personally I consider that an odd form of "politeness". It's collected by every Android device on the planet which has background scanning enabled. A little step to improve privacy. How is being a matter of public record relevant here? The problem with apps is not quantity but quality. I know that's the reason we classed all traffic from those sources as suspicious unless they were willing to log in. Nobody expects that I can show up directly at their house, if they just say their SSID or simply send me a screenshot of their Android home screen. I wonder if that will ever happen. But it's just not a realistic theory, the data is pretty clear that consumers don't like ads and it's very hard to argue that unrestrained commercialism and forced targeting is good for society. If you are worried about this, do you realize Google Photos also stores the location of photos of objects, and owners of those objects cannot opt out of this "tracking"? Tip: If you don't have automatic updates enabled, check for updates manually at least once a week. It's not worth the incursion of privacy to me, but that said, I'd prefer to see ads for, say, clothes I might wear rather than perfume or prescription medicine. I fully admit that I was never going to approve this setting, but I still find it surprising that they think I would be happier with more specific ads. Chrome allows you to enable "Do not track" requests as well as block third-party cookies. It's the equivalence of some of us walking around noting SSIDs, and their locations, and some of us saying "can you tell me where I am? Does that work for some folks? Advertising on my device has gotten completely out of hand, I never asked for it and I don't want it. I have no skin in this game - I have however been a very satisfied user since they were Nokia Maps back in 2012. Thats how ads disappear. What exactly is the harm that Google is perpetuating here? So Apple is making themselves the only viable way to serve ads on iOS (. How do you think our media found themselves in a continued decline over the last few decades? How would the destination page know the exact type of ads to show, other than getting some info from the search engine? The ad in that case is to prevent Lyft from getting that ad spot. And once that door is opened, it quickly gets wider and wider. I absolutely have not. Search ads are very effective and are paid on a per-click basis, so you really can't go wrong with them. You say that like it’s always a bad thing, but sometimes we actually do want to use our phones to find out our location, and GPS is often slow or doesn’t always work. I’ll take a bet that some of this gets rolled back when it hurts Apple’s App Store revenue. The tactics that will prove effective will largely depend on how clear the messaging is relative to more established competitors. (And Apple might be too, but they've got different motivations and incentives around iOS user privacy that Google for Android users...). opting out by adding random strings to your ssid is pretty shady. It's more akin to an amateur radio callsign, except you can change it at will. Now you can set yourself apart with the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH v11) certification. The entire ecosystem could collectively decide to not build an SSID location database at all, but since SSIDs are not identifying this is going to be a struggle to justify. About thirty bucks on Facebook. > Are you saying we should get rid of this functionality just to ensure nobody has a database of the physical location of hardware addresses? If only it was possible to not use these services. [1] I make it as cheap as I can, but theater space costs money. someone who bought many times in past sees more ads), lookalike from those lists. It's kind of an interesting problem because Google drives cars around and reads the all the networks and saves the location for use later. Most people (and maybe you) know their IP address is a digital address of some sort that helps the Internet deliver content to your computer. "Street address" refers to the address of an individual home or building here in the US. On the other hand if I show it to 1,000 people who have shown at least a little interest in theater, or Shakespeare, or literature -- and who have the money to spend $20 on a theater ticket[1] -- maybe I'll find a few people who would actually come. A reader emailed to point out that this massive subthread is actually more on topic for. Meanwhile, Google's and Facebook's market caps are near all time highs. If you don't subscribe to a VPN, you can use a third-party DNS provider, such as OpenDNS. Each manufacturer is different. That is kind of like saying, "How dare you listen to me when I am shouting my name in public?!" Their devices are doing the same to mine and they never asked my permission. Found inside – Page 91“You'd be the Republican precinct captain. ... Hacking means tracking—and counter-tracking—and covering your tracks—in the virtual world. How do I opt my access point out of Google Locatio...,, > For example non-biased search engines, product catalogues, review sites, etc. In fact monitoring the band is part of the wifi standard itself, as wifi devices are supposed to avoid interfering with each other even if they are not associated to the same AP. > . Your "SSID privacy" is at risk regardless of whether Google collects information or not: How can a SSID:GPS database personally identify you? In this world, it's worth asking what the costs of advertising are and whether we want it to be the primary way of funding the Internet. OpenDNS provides additional filters that you can use to protect your privacy. And indeed, once I got used to paying for apps again,* I stopped worrying about whether the $1 app would actually do what I wanted. If your router doesn't offer WPA2 as an option, it's probably time to upgrade your router. This is on top of fact that we are measuring the effectiveness of dollars spent on us, in addition to the dollars spent on competitors/other channels on which we have no control of course. While I am not a big fan of advertising in some cases it may be a necessary evil. Various features that may be pre-configured for your convenience also introduce security vulnerabilities. > Whether you’re rich or poor, Facebook costs the same and the experience and features you have access to are identical. Which probably wasn ’ t think too much this: people do n't want to prevent Lyft from that! Kept getting redirected to Canadian checkout paths, French language pages,.. A computer user invite anyone over or prices, https: // can let Google 's location services your... Yes to it comprehensive collection of papers that provide an integrative view on cybersecurity land in your consumer... 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