I look forward to your next post. LOL I missed that one when I corrected the others. It was only supernovae that actually produced nuclei above Iron 56. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Often, it’s in the employee’s best interest to be let go, as difficult as it seems in the moment. above: slate-grey, relatively unweathered late Ordovician mudstone, typical of the rocks of Mid-Wales. Why a carbon-sink? This reference book covers mineral exploration techniques from multiple dimensions, including the application of statistics - both principal component analysis and factor analysis - to multifractal modeling. Thinking is Power: The problem with “doing your own research”, New technology offers insights on Southern Ocean’s carbon secrets, 2021 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #31, Clouds study finds that low climate sensitivity is ‘extremely unlikely’. When carbon dioxide dissolves in droplets of water to form carbonic acid, it dissociates (splits into reactive charged particles or ions): The two ions that occur as a result of this process are the bicarbonate ion, HCO3− and the hydrogen ion, H+. We are all trashing our only home because of greed. I am of the opinion that we MUST effect direct air capture, or reap a whirlwind that will be unthinkably destructive. No change in the rock’s chemical composition. This book provides a holistic guide to the construction of numerical models to explain the co-evolution of landforms, soils, vegetation and tectonics. How can some soil be older than other soil? One way, or the other, it's not a problem. davidnewell - Sites vary, but on SkS most visitors follow the Recent Comments page, leading directly to conversations in progress. :  and if shown to be valuable,  enhanced, expanded, etc.. For $50, you’re getting some funky airbrush strokes. The answer is almost certainly glaciation. this seeme to be "on subject", dealing essentially with "weathering of rock" , but I would be glad to start another thread, or do whatever I can to cooperate. Now we come to the weathering. It would be desirable to isolate portions of the Playa downwind of the sprayers to retain the water in shallow local ponds. While many types of roofs last longer than 15 years, some can hold up well for 50 years or longer, barring a serious storm or a large fallen tree. Why is soil condition important to them? A great deal of the information will aid me in updating the Ph.D. Found inside – Page 23The Andean Orogeny that took place during Cretaceous to Early Tertiary times, extending from the Antarctic Peninsula across West Antarctica ... In regions showing the greatest uplift, alpine-type glacial processes must soon have ensued. All the buidling blocks for most of the known chemicals found in Organic Chemistry. All this newly formed matter that was strewn everywhere then finally at some cool places formed new stars and planets. Photo: author. I’ll check back for whatever you post. ": it is both relatively close, and better characterized than any of the many other playas which could be employed. What part of the process takes so long? A: We say that it takes 500 to thousands of years to create an inch of topsoil. The reprecipitation is mainly biogenic - it involves various creatures making their shells or skeletons from calcium carbonate: calcium ions + bicarbonate ions = calcium carbonate + carbon dioxide + water. Perhaps I’m missing something, but it appears you are speaking of the mass transport of the current, whereas the key point of the above proposal is a function of the surface area . This post delves into the long-term carbon cycle that involves the interactions of the atmosphere with rocks and oceans over many millions of years. A number of processes that take place within a magma chamber can affect the types of rocks produced in the end. Think about gold, eroded mechanically from ore deposits and then recovered by prospectors, maybe hundreds of thousands of years later, from river-gravels by panning. That's because sun's output was weaker at that time so glaciation threshold in CO2 was higher. I've read the "comments policy" , KR, and also have read the "geoengineering" thread. limestones), huge quantities of atmospheric carbon dioxide end up locked away for a very, very long time. This is for one "spray rig", and, ultimately, thousands are envisaged. Just as well: it is thought that with no geological resupply, and even with ocean outgassing, the weathering process would remove all atmospheric carbon dioxide in less than half a million years. The overall process may be expressed as follows: 2CO2 + 2H2O + CaSiO3 = CaCO3 + CO2 + 2H2O + SiO2, carbon dioxide + water + calcium silicate = calcium carbonate + carbon dioxide + silica + water. Such self-regulating properties of these processes are used to explain the "young sun paradox" - the puzzle why Earth maintained relatively stable surface temp during her 4.6Ga evolution despite sun becoming 30% brighter during that time. Silicate minerals occur widely in nature. Hello — There is information on the types of soil here: https://www.soils.org/discover-soils/soil-basics/soil-types, To learn about membership in SSSA, go here: https://www.soils.org/membership/become-a-member. Let's visualise this first with a simple example: imagine a cube of something nice and reactive - iron, for example, 10 centimetres on edge. The envisioned structure would consist of pumps to convey Pacific Ocean water from (probably) the vicinity of Eureka, to lined retention basins located on the Eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada, and thence released and conveyed by piping as circumstances dictate through spray nozzles arranged on the upwind side of the playas to be so utilized. Thanks to the fellow geologists who've helped me refresh my phase reaction diagrams! Name: Email: We respect your email … Weathering With You was released in Japan on July 19, 2019, at 9 a.m. (JST) by its distributor Toho on 448 screens in 359 theaters across the country. While the home inspector didn’t find any specific problems, I wonder how much longer the roof might hold up. 2021 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #34, Skeptical Science New Research for Week #33, 2021, Science and its Pretenders: Pseudoscience and Science Denial. This would possibly have more significance to incipient geologists and emphasize the importance of exposing newly elevated rock to the weathing (re: rock) cycle. Why are there only remnants of such rocks left behind? Asphalt shingles, the most common type of roofing material sold today, are installed on more than 80 of new homes because they’re affordable (averaging $70 to $150 per square) and include warranties of up to 25 years. Thanks, Damia! A radioactive isotope may decay instantly or after millions or even billions of years; yet, it will decay. There exists a great variety of different silicate minerals - for example the feldspars, micas, olivines, pyroxenes and amphiboles to name but a few groups - that combine silicon and oxygen with potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, iron and many other elements. What are sources of phosphorus for crops? Thinking is Power: Are you a Critical Thinker? Silicates weather via rather more complex reactions, but let's simplify things with a generalised equation for the process using the calcium silicate CaSiO3, which occurs naturally as the mineral wollastonite: 2CO2 + 3H2O + CaSiO3 = Ca2++ 2HCO3– + H4SiO4, carbon dioxide + water + calcium silicate = calcium ions + bicarbonate ions + silicic acid (in solution). SF. It involves the chemical reactions between chemical compounds in the atmosphere and chemical compounds on the planet's surface. But if calcium carbonate dissolution is happening at a faster rate than calcium carbonate precipitation, there is no net gain in solid calcium carbonate: instead calcium carbonate that is already present in solid form starts to dissolve. Plant roots and bacterial decay use carbon dioxide in the process of respiration. However, compared to human industry, the processes of metamorphism, subduction and volcanism operate over geological timescales, so whilst there is a flux of carbon dioxide going into weathering and thence to limestones, there is also an outward flux going back into the atmosphere. Surely someone can think of a chemical pathway that will work. Indeed, I wonder what the rocks might tell, say 200 million years from now? Is biogenic sediment a significant sink? That's why weathering of silicates is so important. Yes, the proposal is "geoengineering", but more specifically, it utilizes the "weathering of rock" propereties to effect it's end. Warranties vary by manufacturer, with some as long as 30 years. Here’s what makes a new Amazon carbon study so unnerving, Catastrophic Hurricane Ida hits Louisiana with 150 mph winds, 2021 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #35, Why trying to prove yourself wrong is the key to being right, Skeptical Science New Research for Week #34, 2021, IPCC reveals how we are changing the climate. Indeed the relevant stage of the Ordovician - the Hirnantian - is named after a place not that far from where I live! A major period of basaltic eruption (with much attendant carbon dioxide outgassing) followed by prolonged intense weathering could potentially create a corresponding peak and dip in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels as outgassing falls and weathering-related carbon dioxide drawdown rises. Giving the composition of silicate rocks in this way enables one to immediately appreciate their potential for carbon sequestration via weathering, in this case, from the 8.95% of CaO and 6.17% MgO. These early stars were responsible for nucleosynthesis of heavier nuclei. Rock starts becoming soil the moment it is exposed to the environment. A mass extinction was the result. Green. Other acids may also be present: for example, sulphur dioxide, outgassed during volcanic eruptions or released by industry, likewise dissolves in droplets of water in the atmosphere to produce sulphuric acid, hence the term 'acid rain', with a pH of around 4 to 4.5. Is that really the best use of that much energy? The currents off of Chile also move a tremendous volume of water. Found inside – Page 9... or more precisely , “ Will spoil from a mine , upon weathering , give a surface layer finer than 2mm , and how long will the weathering process take ? By dividing the original cube up into all these little ones, we have increased the surface area available to react by a whole order of magnitude. The basis of the equation written above has been understood since the middle of the 19th Century. If the magma has a low viscosity (i.e., it’s runny) — which is likely if it is mafic — the crystals that form early, such as olivine (Figure 3.14a), may slowly settle toward the bottom of the magma chamber (Figure 3.14b). Yeah. An approximately 30 HP water pump should be provided to pump basic pH ~9.1) and saline Carson Sink water into the air in a breeze, utilizing the "tuneable spray nozzle" of "attachment one" (or similar), with upwind and downwind measurements of CO2. What has been discovered about the Mars surface? According to the state of California, the total electricity generation in California is about 74,000 MW. The copper carbonates, azurite and malachite, are examples of secondary minerals that will be familiar to most readers. In the same area of Wales, the rocks contain numerous mineral-lodes that in the 17th-19th Centuries supported a respectably-sized metal mining industry, with lead, silver, copper and zinc being produced. The pH value of 7 (pure water) is neutral, values of 7 up to 14 are increasingly alkaline and values of 7 down to 0 are increasingly acidic. By 2015, annual production had increased nearly 200-fold, reaching 381 million tonnes. above: small amounts of recently-formed secondary minerals, the result of a few centuries of weathering of freshly-broken sulphides in the metal mines of Mid-Wales. Please note that it may take up to ten (10) business days after we receive your opt-out for it to take effect. The surface area of all those aerosols up there is huge. Even though it can be difficult, let your pain out through crying, screaming, sketching out your memories, going for a long run, or any other way that feels like an outlet for your grief. Would you like to see a calculation of surface area on the flow of water subdivided into various size droplets sprayed through the air? "The climate has always changed" has been a favourite arm-wave of the contrarian brigade for many years. Certainly it is a very far from ideal answer since you still get a lot of other climate impacts, even if aggregate warming were reversed, and it does nothing about ocean acidifcation. When it comes to metal roofing, quality also relates to thickness; the thicker the gauge (lower in number), the more durable the roof will be. However, once there have been responses and evolution of the thread, generally moving it causes more problems of meaning. Not surprisingly, cheaper roofing materials won’t last as long as more expensive types, and the price range is quite broad. Photos: D.I. That rock is constantly being transported away from their cold heights, firstly via gravity (rockfalls), then by glaciers and finally by rivers to a warmer, lowland climate, where the weathering takes place. what WE have to do is employ the SAME imagination and intellect, but in a different way, to reduce the ramifications of the die we've already cast. The result was that in just a century or two, the debris became coated or even cemented together by secondary minerals. However, these three factors can be simulated in controlled, laboratory weathering tests to assess the lifespan of the coatings. Basaltic weathering is a particularly strong candidate in this respect - basalts are rich in calcium-bearing silicates like plagioclase feldspar and magnesium-bearing silicates like olivine. In North America, the Athena Impact Estimator for Buildings is the only free software tool that is designed to evaluate whole buildings and assemblies based on internationally recognized life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. You realize that, The volume transport of the overturning circulation at 24 N has been estimated from hydrographic section data ([4]) as 17 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3/s), source. Found inside – Page 16Everywhere the weathering processes of soil depletion set a distinct limit to ... leaving a scar of rock which may take centuries to get grown over again. Found inside – Page 20... presumably by weathering process. The deposits are very scattered and so far it has not been possible to arrive at even a rough estimate of the tonnage ... Most of the potash that I know of is from ancient seas, currently far from any salt water body. Sand comes from many locations, sources, and environments. — The regeneration of electricity at the spray head location so that supernatant playa water can be pumped through the nozzles. . The compounds making up the vast majority of Earth's land surface - the minerals that make up rocks - are, by and large, very slow to react. Obviously, we all want to make them last as long as possible. It may be noted that if the power plant was co-located with the pumping plant, near the ocean, that the cooling water for the power plant could be part of the water pumped, thus alleviating the environmental problems related to hot-water discharge. So, according to the insurance companies, how long does a roof last? I became interested in this question while researching this Reddit comment about how trees could get covered with soil or “duff” in the Carboniferous so they wouldn’t burn: https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/3hzlbl/why_didnt_all_the_dead_trees_burn_during_the/cucb9w9. Found inside – Page 95Will J Bland, David Rolls ... Part may then be lost in run-off and part may be washed into rock pores where the salt weathering processes take place. For weathering to occur, the thermal expansion coefficient of a salt should exceed ... Glenda Taylor, Bob Vila, 6 Types of Shingles to Consider, and the Pros and Cons of Each, Our Favorite Kitchen Gadgets for Faster Mornings, Roofing Roundup: 7 of Today's Most Popular Choices, Asphalt Shingles: A Showcase of Roofing Styles, Colors and Options. The volume of water you want to move seems to me to be much too small to absorb a significant amount of CO2. Free revision as long over time in between such evaporite deposits forming Sweet, your source, http: ~stefan/thc_fact_sheet.html... Slow process that happens quickly in `` Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. potential that the geographical sciences.... Is capacity not generation that much water from the sun was geologically active with ordinary to... Area has probably remained land ever since this planet has experienced after `` ''... Weathering processes a minor point, but not most. ) and buff shades natural Metamorphic stone with a area! And that discussions of natural checks and balances are a couple of errors... 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